The Saint Francis' Walk 

“And the tall, black, mysterious Verna enters history from this aerial eagle's nest carved out of the rock”

This quote by Monsignor Antonio Tani (from “San Francesco nel Montefeltro”, 1926), recalls the event that is at the origin of the Way. In the town of San Leo (ancient Mons Feretri), St Francis was gifted Mount La Verna by Count Orlando Catani of Chiusi in Casentino on 8 May 1213. It is also where he received his stigmata in 1224 and where the sanctuary, one of the main sites in Franciscan history, now stands.

News: new route for the second stage 



TO THE PILGRIMS ALONG THE PATH. The high temperatures these days increase fatigue and the need to hydrate. It's a good idea to leave early in the morning and evaluate the opportunity to make stops during the hottest hours. In particular, consider that in the fourth stage from Sant'Agata to Balze there are only two water supply points: the cemetery before Pereto (the only town located directly on the route) and the hermitage of Sant'Alberico (in an hour from Balze). On the last stage, after Montecoronaro (about 5 hours from La Verna), there are no inhabited centers or water supply points. It is therefore necessary to keep a good supply of water in your backpack.

Fifth leg: from Balze of Verghereto to La Verna


At the beginning of the path 00 that goes up to Poggio Bastione, at the junction for Selva and Montione, there is a pasture with flocks and the presence of dogs. We advise you to call Pasquale or Franco Biserni pastors at 0543 902708: they know that the path is frequented and you can tell them more precisely the day of your passage.


This stage shortens the path originally conceived, joining directly Balze to La Verna, eliminating the intermediate step Verghereto-Balze.

It takes place between Romagna and Tuscany, in a landscape that sweeps over the ridges between the Valmarecchia, the Valley of the Savio and the Tiber Valley.

This path is well marked by white and red signs, supplemented by the yellow Tau that identifies all the Path San Francesco from Rimini to Rome.

Leaving Balze, we take the road for Verghereto to the village of Falera, where, on the right, there is road that climbs towards the rock face of Mount Fumaiolo.

The paths is distinguished by wooded pastures and strokes, following the signs for Montecoronaro, a small village where you can find refreshment in a bar. After the village and a long stretch of paved road, there is that begins with a long climb through the woods, leading to Poggio dei Tre Vescovi (1238 m). Here the ridge trail, which is part of an ancient medieval street, goes far to the south along the border of the Nature Reserve Upper Tiber Valley and, after a flat stretch, it reaches a hill from which one sees the Monte Penna, unmistakable for its large and flat top, behind which stands La Verna. The path becomes a track drawn in coppice reaching a cross path and, to the right, a wide dirt road. Follow it in a grazing land, reaching Step Gualanciole and, after a few kilometers, the Passo delle Pratelle (1075 m), the conjunction with the Franciscan path that leads from La Verna in Rieti.

He turns on the track right on the ridge, first through meadows and then in the pine forest and then the beech forest, you climb to the great grassy shelf and panoramic Monte Calvano at the beginning of the forest (1256 m).

It descends steeply to the Calla Cross (1135m), under the wall of Mt. Penna. Follow it to the left to reach a wider road that to the right in the beech forest to the Sanctuary of La Verna (1128m).


Download track 5th legs GPX format

Distance: 22.7 km.

Height difference: +1258 m, -1225 m

Distance: From Balze to La Verna 7 h 30 '; from La Verna to Balze 7 h



In Montecoronaro: Bar tel. +039 0543 902448; Foods Salvi Pierluigi tel. +039 0543 902751, Bar Il Mulino +039 333 2907334

ATTENTION: in Montecoronaro there are only these points, from here to La Verna it's take 5 hours.



In La Verna a simple treatment is expected for pilgrims who visit St Francesco’s places on foot, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , +039 0575 5341 -  from 9,00a.m. to 5,00p.m.

For more informations: 


OSTELLO GRANELLO DI SENAPE, Viale San Francesco, 1 - 52010 Chiusi della Verna
Tel. 0575 969697 - 337 1009851